Category Archives: Other People’s Bricks

Drifty Brick

With my lower ground clearance I’m finding that little patches of snow between ruts on the road are scraping the underside of my brick. Parallel parking is a particular challenge, as I just jam it into reverse and plow over snow drifts until I can’t move anymore. The snow I drove into last night had been deep enough to slightly elevate the chassis and gave the rear wheels even worse traction than usual. I had to rock back and forth about 5 minutes before breaking free.

Driving around town is fun tho. Not as exhilarating as the rubber-burning brick seen above, but as much fun as you can have w/ RWD, no traction control, tight streets and vast sheets of ice.

Black Death on Wheels


This war-weary brick was preparing for an epic confrontation at the Sussex, NJ state fairgrounds a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t able to catch the evenings event but spoke with the owner, Joe, and found out this was his third demolition derby with a Volvo 240. He totaled his first 244 but this 245 lived to smash another day after an oil fire put him out in the middle of competition last year. He tells me he makes the entry fee by selling plastic interior parts to bricksters in Europe.

I tried to contact the driver last week to find out how he did but haven’t heard back. Joe, if you’re out there, send us a report!