I started installing sound dampening last weekend and continued yesterday. After doing a bunch of research I decided to go with RAAM Audio’s RAAMmat BXT and Ensolite closed cell foam. It’s been pretty messy but it’s making a big improvement. I’ve done both passenger side doors so far and will be reinstalling the front passenger side speaker today and hope to see improvement is sound.
So one year on, was the project worthwhile? What was your total cost?
@Z: I ended up spending about $130 in materials, but haven’t worked on it since doing the 3 doors. Once it got to be winter it’s not good to do because of the cold: the adhesive doesn’t stick as well. I never got around to it this summer, but I still have 1/2 the stuff left.
That being said, it’s a great improvement in sound. I have both front doors done. They have RAAM mat on the outer shell, then a layer of foam, then another layer of RAAMmat on the inner shell, and then I applied the closed cell foam to the door panel. I installed the speakers by first screwing wood to the doors, then mounting the speakers on the wood.
It gives much better clarity to the sound, and I don’t have to turn the volume up so high to compensate for the sound lost in the doors. The 5 1/4 don’t give great bass response, but that’s to be expected. Next steps are the 4th door, and the floor. And that damn noisy trunk lid!
One of these days I should post pics.