Tag Archives: fuel efficient

Volvo is the “greenest”


The British car magazine “What Car?” has crowned the Volvo S40 diesel the Green Car of the Year. It beat Japanese hybrids with its low emissions and 72.4 mpg fuel economy.

But, according to James Howard Kunstler, a fuel efficient Volvo ain’t gonna be much of a help for our future:

…no combination of solar, wind and nuclear power, ethanol, biodiesel,
tar sands and used French-fry oil will allow us to power Wal-Mart,
Disney World and the interstate highway system — or even a fraction of
these things — in the future. We have to make other arrangements.

The public, and especially the mainstream media, misunderstands the
“peak oil” story. It’s not about running out of oil. It’s about the
instabilities that will shake the complex systems of daily life as soon
as the global demand for oil exceeds the global supply.

More on GPM

Sunday’s NY Times article “The Last of the Power Rangers” predicts the eventual disappearance of the 500+ horsepower luxury sedan. Now that Obama has unveiled new fuel economy standards of 35.5 MPG by 2016, the extinction seems inevitable.

It got me thinking again about the way we consider fuel economy in MPG vs. GPM. The article states that the thirstiest performance sedan is the 2009 Cadilac CTS-V, coming in at 11 MPG. If you look the cars gallons-per-mile, you see it burns 909 gallons of fuel for 10,000 miles of driving. With this perspective, you can see how truly bad low fuel economy vehicles are, and how the MPG standard hides the truth about how much fuel these cars burn.
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