New York’s Daily News site enticed me with a teaser for “The NY Mobs Biggest ‘Hits‘” and, after looking at 9 photos of murdered mobsters, BINGO, I found Volvo’s ubiquitous 240 in the background of a bloody crime scene photo.
WARNING: this link is not for the squeamish.
The late Anthony DiLapi was found in
the garage of his apartment building outside Los Angeles on February 4,
1990. The Lucchese family soldier had moved out to the West Coast to
get away from the mob, but was found and murdered on the orders of
Anthony “Gaspipe” Casso.Mob cops Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa obtained information of DiLapi’s whereabouts from California police.
I wonder if the brick was his. It’d probably make good cover if he was starting a new life in California. Theoretically.