Tag Archives: train set cars

Paper Bricks

I created these little paper models using templates from a site out of Sweden. I’ve searched for diecast metal 240s but Corgi and other European manufacturers stopped producing them a long time ago, and I don’t know if Matchbox ever did. These paper models are the next best thing, although they don’t roll, they’re 1:87 scale, and they blow away in a gust of wind.

Hokenstrom.com is self-described as

The official homepage for one of the oldest riding clubs with disabled riders in Sweden. And the only one with an own homepage!

There’s a huge range of models, from 100s, 200s, 300s, 700s and 850s, with variations of each by year, and different colors within each download. There are also alternative vehicles, like hearses, police cars and the odd El Camino-esque yellow 850 pictured above. If you’ve got tiny fingers they can be a fun little craft. My thick digits produced dented quarter panels, gaped seams and cars with only 3 tires touching the ground.